Friday, July 24, 2009


an arkansas weddin cake

The time has come

the time is now

just go go go

I don't care how

-Dr. Seuss

Tyler got a job in ARKANSAS and so we are leaving our beloved MAINE and going where no McEVoy or Huffaker has ventured before. We are going to be living in Monticello Arkansas, or so we think.

We are moving in 10 days and we still have no home. Tyler keeps asking me why I am so stressed out? (insightful)

Anyway if anyone actually reads this blog and I like you, lets get together before I leave because I am seriously worried I may never see you again. I mean I am a anti republican MORMON moving to a very right wing, BIBLE belt town in the deep south living in the deep woods in the shadow of the mightah mississippi. I hope this goes well. eek.

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